Help Us Grow: Joyce Malik presents a plaque to Tristan Hamlin in appreciation

Help Us Grow:

Joyce Malik presents a plaque to Tristan Hamlin in appreciation

As a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations to ARCHERS in excess of payment for specific materials or services are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. We promise to treat your money as carefully as we would our own, and apply it to further the growth of the organization and our ministry to home-educating families,

Thank you for considering sending some of your tithes or offerings in our direction!

Recent Sponsors


To contact us, write to:

Mary Hood

P.O. Box 2524

Cartersville, GA 30120

Email: Mary Hood

^top  Detail   Posted: 06/05/12 ID: 1338908595 Category: Help Us Grow

Recent and Founding Sponsors: Our sincere appreciation goes to our donors and founding sponsors:
Recent and Founding Sponsors:

Recent and Founding Sponsors:

Our sincere appreciation goes to our donors and founding sponsors:

Recent sponsors:

Alpha Omega Stor-All Paulding County, GA.

Terri Henson, TX

Cynthia Bowles, C.P.A., Cartersville, GA

Large donations are what will enable this ministry to grow and establish new programs. However, many smaller donations are also needed in order to meet IRS guidelines for non-profit status. No amount is too small to make a difference! Please consider helping us when you can. We are a 501c (3) organization, and all deductions are tax-deductible to the fullest amount allowable by law.

^top  Detail   Posted: 06/05/12 ID: 1338909102 Category: Help Us Grow


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^top  Detail   Posted: 06/05/12 ID: 1338909995 Category: Help Us Grow