Note: This is a long "page" Keep scrolling down to the very bottom to see everything!
The ones marked with an * are available as an MP3. Note that Mary does not speak from a script, therefore the exact content may vary slightly. If there are specific things you do or do not want Mary to discuss, she is open to making slight variations to suit your group. Mary has spoken to both Christian and secular groups, and can vary her message slightly depending on the composition of your group. However, her own Christian beliefs are an important part of her overall message and she will not agree to remove them completely from her presentation.
How to Loosen Up Without Losing Control
This is often used as an opening talk when Mary is the keynote speaker, or as a general first session when she is a supportive educational speaker. It discusses the importance of parents being in control of their children's education, paying less attention to the dictates of outside forces, (such as accreditation and/or Common Core objectives) and making their own decisions concerning the overall direction of their home school . It will include a discussion on goal setting.
How to Look More Like a Family, Less Like a School*
This is another general talk, useful as an opening address, or as a one-hour stand-alone workshop. It contrasts families and schools in the areas of learning environment and disciplinary environment, and compares fathers/principals and mothers/teachers. Note: Mary understands that the area of discipline is one where certain topics can be divisive, and is willing to modify this talk to suit the needs of your group.
Homeschooling Mothers: Soldiers in a Spiritual War*
This talk is intended for mature Christians and is not appropriate for a secular fair. It is also not recommended for situations where there are likely to be children in the audience. It can be used either as a keynote address or a one hour workshop. ARCHERS for the Lord, Inc., is partly an acronym for The Association of Relaxed Christian Home Educators, but it is also based on Psalm 127, and Mary believes that homeschooling mothers are warriors. For that reason, they need to recognize the possibility of spiritual attack on their home, and be prepared with the spiritual armor discussed in Ephesians.
Understanding Common Core: A Homeschooler's Perspective
This talk is based on the current issues of the day, currently "Common Core" and the push towards accreditation, and stresses the importance of parents staying abreast of current educational situations that could threaten their freedoms.
The Relaxed Homeschooling Lifestyle: Is it for You?*
This is an introductory workshop, which can be used as an introductory keynote if there are likely to be people in the audience who are still considering homeschooling. It addresses some of the issues that people are concerned with when they first start thinking about making this decision. It is also very good for those who are just starting out, or for those who have been highly structured and are considering becoming a little more relaxed.
God Free School Zones: The Reason We Teach our Children at Home
This talk is based on Mary's e-book with the same title. If you are considering using it, you may request a free copy. (At this time, it is a pdf.) It discusses the problems with the public schools since God has been removed, and talks about the reasons we made the decision to teach our children at home. The book and workshop both discuss some of the experiences Mary had when working as a substitute teacher in the public school.