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Mary's original book on relaxed homeschooling; gives details about the way Mary worked with her own children when they were young. Highly recommended for new people; those with young children; and those considering a switch to a less-structured format.
The Relaxed Home School - $10.95
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This book stresses the biblical underpinnings of the relaxed home school environment; the stress is on moms finding their own spiritual centers before trying to light fires of enthusiasm under their children!
The Joyful Home Schooler - $12.95
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God-Free School Zones Reclaim Your Children For Christ! grew out of Mary's experiences substitute teaching in the public schools. She wrote the book for those public school parents who would like to understand what is happening in the school system and make informed decisions about how to return Christ to the center of their children's education.
Mary makes a strong case for either returning Jesus to his proper place as Lord inside the system, or getting all of our children out.
Homeschoolers who occasionally have doubts, or wonder if their children would be better off in the schools should really read this book. "
This book is somewhat autobiographical in nature. It discusses homeschooling in difficult times. The cover has a picture of Mary's grandmother on it, who raised five children in a house with no indoor plumbing, electricity, or heat! The baby in the rocking chair is Mary's own mom, back in 1917.
The Enthusiastic Home Schooler - $12.95
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This is Mary's book on spiritual warfare. It discusses her vision of how Christian schools, churches, and homeschoolers could band together effectively to create viable options for everyone who wants to leave the public school system.
Onto The Yellow School Bus (and through the gates of hell) - $5
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This is Mary's talk on common core, putting it in an historical perspective and discussing how we should respond to what is going on in the public schools.
Make sure paypal has your correct email address or send an email via our "contact us" page. You will be emailed and provided with a link to download the MP3s. Once you have the link, be sure to download them to your computer within five days, or the link may disappear!
Minimum Donation of $4.00
3 workshops, 1 by Chris, 2 by Mary, plus a question and answer session.
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Minimum Donation of $10
(also available as 8 cds).....see the cd list for descriptions....All 8 talks on MP3
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Minimum Donation of $25
Both the Previous recordings!
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Minimum Donation of $30
Outlines a system of keeping records that will work in a relaxed family setting. Emphasis is on creating a journal that will work for you and turning the entries into end of the year assessments.
Details on setting up and maintaining learning centers in the home in such areas as math, science, art, & music.
How To Set Up Learning Centers - $6
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Mary's popular workshop on the difficulties some children face with math in the elementary grades, and how to deal with them.
Helping children to learn to use the library; contains details on the dewey decimal system, as well as a list of the Hood family's own personal favorite authors and books.
Teaching Children To Use The Library - $6
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Mary discusses how she dealt with each of her children as individuals, and explains the basics of the relaxed homeschooling approach. (Individual CD)
All eight of these cds may be purchased above as the "Relaxed Homeschooling Workshop Series" for $39.95, which makes each cd approximately $5.00! However, they can also be purchased individually for $8.00 apiece.
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Mary discusses how to identify and change educational assumptions you are still carrying around from your own school days, how to challenge such assumptions and create your own effective means for setting and achieving goals. The second section explains how to create an effective method for maintaining records while operating in a relaxed home school environment. (Individual CD)
All eight of these cds may be purchased above as the "Relaxed Homeschooling Workshop Series" for $39.95, which makes each cd approximately $5.00! However, they can also be purchased individually for $8.00 apiece.
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The first workshop contrasts the learning and disciplinary environments in schools with those in families. The second discusses basic methods for elementary education, including learning centers, unit studies, and the use of living books. (Individual CD)
All eight of these cds may be purchased above as the "Relaxed Homeschooling Workshop Series" for $39.95, which makes each cd approximately $5.00! However, they can also be purchased individually for $8.00 apiece.
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This is Mary's most popular single cd, formerly entitled, Reading and Writing the Natural Way. It includes a discussion of readiness, learning styles, and an introduction to some of Mary's favorite authors for children. (Individual CD)
All eight of these cds may be purchased above as the "Relaxed Homeschooling Workshop Series" for $39.95, which makes each cd approximately $5.00! However, they can also be purchased individually for $8.00 apiece.
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Discusses relaxed unit studies and other experiential approaches to science and social studies, and how to incorporate living books into these areas of the curriculum. (Individual CD)
All eight of these cds may be purchased above as the "Relaxed Homeschooling Workshop Series" for $39.95, which makes each cd approximately $5.00! However, they can also be purchased individually for $8.00 apiece.
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This cd explains children's development as it relates to math ability, and suggests appropriate methods and materials for each age. The second part discusses how to incorporate arts experiences into the curriculum. (Individual CD)
All eight of these cds may be purchased above as the "Relaxed Homeschooling Workshop Series" for $39.95, which makes each cd approximately $5.00! However, they can also be purchased individually for $8.00 apiece.
After payment is received, you will be sent a link to download the MP3
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The first part of this workshop was formerly titled, Beat the Middle School Blahs it discusses developmental issues concerning middle schoolers, and how to understand and work with this age group. It includes a discussion of volunteer experiences and community involvement. (Individual CD)
All eight of these cds may be purchased above as the "Relaxed Homeschooling Workshop Series" for $39.95, which makes each cd approximately $5.00! However, they can also be purchased individually for $8.00 apiece.
After payment is received, you will be sent a link to download the MP3
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This is Mary's main high school workshop, where she discusses both the issues of tailoring high school to individual needs and also the specifics of high school record keeping and the college entrance process. (Individual CD)
All eight of these cds may be purchased above as the "Relaxed Homeschooling Workshop Series" for $39.95, which makes each cd approximately $5.00! However, they can also be purchased individually for $8.00 apiece.
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This cd set offers a complete overview of relaxed homeschooling. It contains the following workshops: (cds from the set can also be purchased as individual CDs. See below)
1. Overview/Mary's family stories
2. Setting goals/relaxed record keeping
3. How to look more like a family, less like a school/ Overview of elementary methods and materials
4. Reading & Writing the Natural Way/Using Children's Literature
5. Methods of social studies & science
6. "Taking the Frustration out of Math" Incorporating music, art, & drama into your home school
7. Working with middle schoolers
8. Working with High Schoolers (includes information about preparing for college).
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This workshop deals with developmental issues and discuss what is and is not appropriate for each age group. Methods and materials for each age are also discussed.
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This workshop deals with developmental issues and discuss what is and is not appropriate for each age group. Methods and materials for each age are also discussed
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This workshop deals with developmental issues and discuss what is and is not appropriate for each age group. Methods and materials for each age are also discussed
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This workshop deals with developmental issues and discuss what is and is not appropriate for each age group. Methods and materials for each age are also discussed
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Is it for you?: This is an introductory workshop, designed for those who are either still considering homeschooling, or those who have begun in a more structured manner, and are considering loosening up a bit.
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Mary talks about how to create and maintain motivation for learning
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Mary discusses spiritual warfare as it relates to the day-to-day struggle against the forces of depression, discouragement, and inadequacy.
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Mary talks about mother's own needs and how to be fulfilled as a person without sacrificing your family's happiness.
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Mary talks about the early days of the movement, discusses some of the dangers of current trends, and makes suggestions for how to get back the spirit of the early homeschoolers.
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Two workshops by Mary for teens to listen to. The first discusses issues of goal-setting and empowerment; the second discusses how to make a successful transition to college.
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Mary talks about the resource center she ran for nine years in the Atlanta area; contains lots of practical suggestions for those interested in starting up something in their own area.
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