Note: This is a long "page" Keep scrolling down to the very bottom to see everything!
This workshop is usually given on a Saturday, from approximately 9-3, and covers all aspects of Relaxed Home Schooling. The 8 cd Relaxed Home Schooling Workshop covers the same topics, although the cds go into a little more detail than can be accomplished in one day.
Note that frequently, groups will ask Mary to give a separate Friday night workshop that is geared towards parents and teens, to cover the high school years and college entrance thoroughly, and then make Saturday more geared to parents of the younger children.
Another possibility is to have a Friday night session which is geared to the larger community, with a discussion of the 'why's' of homeschooling, and a general discussion of the concept of relaxed homeschooling, and then a Saturday which focuses primarily on the specific practical applications.
Link: Order the CDs
Countdown to Consistency is an all-day workshop which begins with a discussion of the history of the homeschooling movement and an explanation of the various philosophies found within it. It then has a hands-on (writing) component, where the parents gather in small groups to think through their educational ideas, set goals, and discuss various methods. This workshop is the favorite of Mary's husband, and many other men have found it extremely helpful to attend along with their wives to begin to understand the similarities and differences they have with their wives' educational ideas.
Mary has 4 cds (or MP3s) entitled "Working with Babies and Toddlers", "Working with Preschoolers", "Working with Primary Grades", and "Working with Elementary Grades". These can be used as individual workshops at fairs, or presented as a one all-day stand-alone workshop. The emphasis is on understanding child development . However, it also covers many practical topics concerning working with the various age groups.
Mary has a two day SAT prep class for upper level high schoolers which could be presented as a Friday-Saturday class, which covers preparation for both the math and writing/verbal sections of the SAT.
This is usually done as a part of a middle school retreat. For more information, contact Mary directly.