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Mary Hood's Books

The Relaxed Home School

The Relaxed Home School

Mary's original book on relaxed homeschooling; gives details about the way Mary worked with her own children when they were young. Highly recommended for new people; those with young children; and those considering a switch to a less-structured format.


The Relaxed Home School - $10.95

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The Joyful Home Schooler

The Joyful Home Schooler

This book stresses the biblical underpinnings of the relaxed home school environment; the stress is on moms finding their own spiritual centers before trying to light fires of enthusiasm under their children!


The Joyful Home Schooler - $12.95

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God-Free School Zones Reclaim Your Children For Christ!

God-Free School Zones  Reclaim Your Children For Christ! PDF sent after donation.
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God-Free School Zones Reclaim Your Children For Christ! grew out of Mary's experiences substitute teaching in the public schools. She wrote the book for those public school parents who would like to understand what is happening in the school system and make informed decisions about how to return Christ to the center of their children's education.

Mary makes a strong case for either returning Jesus to his proper place as Lord inside the system, or getting all of our children out.

Homeschoolers who occasionally have doubts, or wonder if their children would be better off in the schools should really read this book. "




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The Enthusiastic Home Schooler

The Enthusiastic Home Schooler

This book is somewhat autobiographical in nature. It discusses homeschooling in difficult times. The cover has a picture of Mary's grandmother on it, who raised five children in a house with no indoor plumbing, electricity, or heat! The baby in the rocking chair is Mary's own mom, back in 1917.


The Enthusiastic Home Schooler - $12.95

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Onto The Yellow School Bus (and through the gates of hell)

Onto The Yellow School Bus (and through the gates of hell)

This is Mary's book on spiritual warfare. It discusses her vision of how Christian schools, churches, and homeschoolers could band together effectively to create viable options for everyone who wants to leave the public school system.


Onto The Yellow School Bus (and through the gates of hell) - $5

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