August 15 Deadline for waiver of registration fee for Monday program.
Deadline for payment of September tuition and any lab fees for the following ONLY
-Those who had their registration fee waived or have not yet paid it.
-Anyone who has been informed by Mary Hood that their class has developed awaiting list and that they need to pay Sept tuition to hold their place.
All others may pay September tuition and any lab fees due at the first class.
August 18-31 Move In. Lots of help needed! Please contact Mary Hood if you or your teens would like to help.
September 6 Tuesday; First Day of classes
October 10-14 Fall Break
November 24 & 25 Thanksgiving Break
December Elementary programs on Mondays are off the entire month of December
December 19-30 Christmas Break
January 2 First Day of Second Semester
April 3-7 Spring Break (Coincides with Cherokee County break)
May Elementary programs on Mondays don’t meet in May. Finish end of April.
May 19 Last Day of Middle and High School Programs
May 22-25 Standardized Testing
Note: Elementary students sign up by the semester; middle and high school programs are meant to be a commitment for the entire year, barring unusual/unforeseen circumstances, such as a job transfer or unemployment.
Standardized testing for grades 3-12 will be available if there is sufficient interest and if teachers are available for proctoring the tests. Some testing may commence earlier than the last week of May, using time slots that are not taken by other programs.
An SAT prep class may be offered starting in January if there is sufficient interest.
Note: Unless marked otherwise, all elementary classes are $40/month. If students take more than one class, there will be a $5 discount per additional class taken. Elementary classes will be meeting for the first semester, Sept-November, have December off and may switch topics starting in January. Commitment is for first semester.
Science Explorations (gr 3-4) 9:30-10:20 (Jody Gramling)
The focus of this class will be learning about nature through hands-on activities, nature journaling, experiments, sketching, labeling.
Explorations in Magnetism and Electricity (gr 5-6) 9:30-10:20 (Mischa Holt)
Come explore how electricity works by using unconventional materials. Instead of purchased wires, switches, and fuses, we will make our own circuits with aluminum foil, clothespins, paper clips, and steel wool. We will make circuits, compare series and parallel circuits, understand how a light bulb is wired, make fuses, learn about electronic resistance and more. Toward the end we will add magnetism and learn about dipoles, map magnetic fields, make compasses, electromagnets and other magnetic gizmos.
Presidents and Elections (grade 5-6) 10:30-11:20 (Jody Gramling)
The focus will be on the path to the presidency. Taking advantage of the election season, this class will feature a variety of activities in various related topics, such as The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the election process, voting, etc.
Creative Writing & Illustrating (gr 3-6) 10:30-11:20 (Mischa Holt)
Come and tell your stories! Write about the places and characters you develop and share your work for feedback to help strengthen your writing skills and develop your style. Learn to write narratives in an encouraging environment that will culminate with your story and illustrations in written form; your own book!
Art & Art History (grades 3-6) 11:30-12:30 (Casey Malik). Short supply list required.
This class will focus on doing hands-on art experiences in various media as they learn about artists, styles, and periods of art history.
Cultures of the World (gr 3-6) 11:30-12:30 Mischa Holt
Visit far away places and learn about the customs of their people without ever leaving home. Learn about anthropology and geography along the journey and taste foods from other cultures. Class will culminate with a presentation for parents of the places your students have visited!
Math Games & Projects (gr 3-6) 1:00-2:00 Jody Gramling
The purpose of this class is to help students learn to enjoy math through a variety of games and projects, and to build their basic skills and computation speed in a fun way.
Physics for Kids (gr 3-4) 1:00-2:00 Mischa Holt
Hands on exploration of how simple machines are used to make work easier. We will also learn about force and motion. This class will make some of their own machines and take apart everyday items to see the machines inside that make them work.
These are designed for roughly grade 7-9. Some may count as high school credit. These classes meet all year, September through May, with the typical holidays off. Students who take more than one class will have a $5 reduction on additional classes after the first one.
Physical Science (9:00-10:00) Hood. $45/month, no additional lab fee. Textbook required.
This course will use the Apologia Physical Science book, including doing the experiments and lab work and can count as a high school lab. Open to students from age 13 and up.
Creative Writing (10:15-11:15) Hood. $40/ month
The students will learn to appreciate and write short stories, poems, plays, and screenplays and will study the elements of fiction writing, such as character development, plot formation, descriptive and narrative writing, & creating effective dialogue. Open to students from age 12 up.
ASL (American Sign Language) 10:15-11:15 (Terri Jackson) $40/month Textbook required.
This fun, basic course is designed to interest the student in deafness, its language and culture; and to develop receptive and expressive skills of using fingerspelling, basic signs, facial expressions and body language in American Sign Language (ASL). The deaf instructor signs native ASL.
Conversational French, Beginner Level 10:15-11:15 (Kristi Short) $40/month
This class will focus on the development of vocabulary and will study the cultures and cuisine of those regions of the world that use French as a primary language. If students want to count this as French I for high school, they will need to be doing additional work on their own at home. The instructor will have suggestions for such work, but this class is not meant to be a complete high school level class without additional study at home.
World Geography, Missions, and Comparative Religions 11:30 – 12:30 Hood $40/month
This course is for students who are well grounded in their own faith and ready to learn to understand other cultures and religions. We will study the lives of several missionaries, and study various regions of the world, including physical features and cultural and religious beliefs. It is taught from the standpoint of biblical truth. There will be some light homework involving research and participating in short oral reports, either individually or in groups.
Middle School Life Sciences 11:30-12:30 (Kristi Short) $40/month. One time $25 lab fee due in September.
This class will give an overview of biology, including both zoology and botany, in preparation for high school level work in this area. Topics to be covered include anatomy & physiology, plant life, ecology, environmental science, mammals, and marine biology. If sufficient parental involvement is available, several field trips will be taken. The class will include hands-on activities.
Georgia History Adventures (Kristi Short) $40/month plus possible field trip fees.
The class will take the students on a walk through history from 1498 to the present here in Georgia. Topics will include the settlement of Georgia, Indian tribes, the gold rush, and the development of the City of Atlanta, as well as the Civil War in Georgia. This course is set up to correlate with several field trips. With sufficient parental participation, the class will make several field trips to various areas of the state.
Math Lab 1:00-2:00 Hood $40/month
This class is intended to help solidify math concepts in preparation for algebra. The students will need to be doing their own math work at home, and can use whatever texts or programs the parents have chosen. The class will present concepts, do some projects, and have the opportunity for students to bring in the things they are working on at home for some extra, individualized help.
Mathematics Lab 1:00-2:00 Hood $40/month.
This is intended to help solidify math concepts in preparation for algebra. The students will need to be doing their own math work at home, and can use whatever texts or programs the parents have chosen. The class will present concepts, do some projects, and have the opportunity for students to bring in the things they are working on at home for some extra, individualized help.
Note: Students who take more than one class will have a $5 reduction off each of the additional classes. These classes are intended to be a one year commitment barring extreme situations, like unexpected moves or lay offs.
Geometry: Tues AND Thurs 9-10 $50/month (Hood) textbook required
Will use text associated with Chalk Dust video program. No common core. Intended as a complete course, with homework. Students should have completed Algebra I. The class is instructor taught, with occasional use of 10 minute bits of video program.
British Literature Tuesday 10:15-11:15 $40/month (Hood)
This high school level course is intended as a complete course, as long as the student does the assigned reading. The reading will be adult-level, including English poets and the typical English curriculum, including Shakespeare, Beowulf, and part of the Canterbury Tales. The students will perform at least a partial Shakespearean play as a part of the course.
Japanese Tuesdays, 10:15-11:15 $40/month (Jonathan Peach)
This class focuses on the basics of the Japanese writing system, grammar, and vocabulary development, both "useful" and academic. We will also apply what we learn towards experiencing Japanese culture, including everything from origami to the use of chopsticks to eating authentic Japanese cuisine, using Japanese etiquette.
Drawing & Painting Tuesday 11:30-12:30 $40 month (Jonathan Peach)
Small supplies list required
In this art class, each student will learn everything from proper pencil and brush technique to color theory and relevant art history. First time students will begin with graphite pencils and work up to prismacolors and art or acrylic painting, or an alternate medium of their choice. If the class would like, we can do a landscape with Bob Ross!
Beginning Spanish Tuesday 11:30-12:20 $40/month (Davila) (Homeschooling mom, native Spanish speaker) $40/month
Opportunities for vocabulary development, grammar exercises, and hearing/speaking the language for an hour a week. If parents intend for this to be counted as Spanish 1 they will need to be doing homework at home during the week, since this class only meets one hour a week and further study would be required.
Algebra I 1:00-2:00 Tues AND Thursday (Hood) $50/month
Uses textbook associated with Chalk Dust video program. Instructor taught with very occasional clips from video. Not common core. Intended as a complete course with required homework.
History of the Modern World Thursday 10:15-11:15 Hood $40/month
This is my thinly disguised speech class, and is the one that many ex-students have said prepared them the best for college and work. Students will select topics of interest to them and give substantial oral reports several times in the year. Parents can either call this speech OR history on their transcripts. If it is history, it is recommended that parents supplement with some additional reading using any textbook or library materials as they follow along with the course outline.
Political Science Thursday 10:15-11:15 Lee $40/month
This is intended as a political science and civics class, involving the teaching of the Constitution and American government. It will last through the fall term and will be followed by an economics class in the spring.
Intermediate French Thursday 11:30-12:30 Hood $40/month
This is a continuation of a course taught last year. It will focus on the continued development of conversational skills, as well as additional vocabulary and grammar development. Students should have been doing some vocabulary study in French in order to fit in. If anyone wants to join who is a beginner, it is suggested that you spend a minimum of four hours a week during the summer doing duolingo or similar to be prepared.
ASL (Sign Language) for high schoolers11:30-12:30 Terri Jackson, $40/month. Textbook required.
Biology (complete course plus laboratory) Thursday 11:30-12:30 Chris Lee, homeschooling dad & nurse. $45/month plus $25/semester lab fee
This will use the Apologia, Biology 2nd edition textbook. The student will be expected to read the materials at home and will be doing the lab work in class. It is intended as a complete class if the student does the assigned homework.
Hopeful plans include one park day a month, one field trip a month, and two Fridays making use of the facilities for co-op style activities. Occasional mom’s night out activities if desired. If interested, contact Mary Hood to stay in the loop as plans are made. Email her at [email protected].